ESCUCHAR A DIOS, Listen to God

Tú encenderás mi lampara; Jehova mi Dios alumbrara mis tinieblas. - Salmos 18:28

¿Has deseado alguna vez que alguien te dijera simplemente que hacer en una situación particular en tu vida?
Escucha entonces al único que te guiara y dirigirá rectamente, no importa cuales sean las circunstancias. En la quietud de tu ser, la voz apacible y delicada de Dios le hablara a tu corazón y mente. El escuchar esa voz requiere dedicación y el deseo de recibir mas de lo que los sentidos puedan descubrir. Al escuchar, tal vez no percibas una vos audible pero recibirás la súbita confirmación de un conocimiento interno en tu mente y corazón .

El afirmar, Dios tiene las respuestas que busco, y esperar por una señal interna, te preparará para recibir las respuestas que buscas.

Es tan así, que en un período mi esposo y yo estábamos sin trabajo y trascurríamos una época difícil. Siempre hacemos las compras de comida para un mes, mínimo para dos semanas, pero en esta ocasión se nos paso el día de compra y el dinero se uso para otra cosa. Ese día yo cociné lo usual, arroz, habichuelas, carne asada, ensalada fresca y creo que unas arepitas de yuca..... bueno la cuestión es que yo estaba preocupada  y arreglando la mesa  estaba triste y le oré a Dios porque me sentía preocupada ya que la despensa no estaba tan llena como de costumbre.

Después de orar escuche en me mente - tu oras todos los días, "Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día". Fue cuando por primera vez entendí que cuando oramos le pedimos  a Dios lo de cada día, no lo de un mes o lo de una semana. Dios no quiere despensas llenas y comidas amontonadas, sin que antes aprendemos a vivir de fe y creer que el nos dará lo necesario. Cuando somos hijos de Dios, verdaderamente nada nos faltara. Me sentí mal porque mira cuanta comida yo ya había preparado ese día y tenia comida segura para unos cuantos día más, pero no agradecí eso, sino no que quería mucho más para que estuviera allí con anticipación. Me alegro de haber escuchado a Dios ese día, porque fue una valiosa lección para mi.

¿Que opinas tu de esta lección? ¿Haz  escuchado la voz de Dios alguna vez?

You, LORD, keep my lamp burning;  my God turns my darkness into light.- Psalm 18:28

Have you ever wished that someone just told you exactly what to do in a particular situation in your life? Listen then to the only guide who can lead you directly, no matter what the circumstances are. In the stillness of your being, the small voice of God speaking to your heart and mind. Listening that, small voice requires dedication and desire to receive more than what the senses can discover. Upon listening you may not perceive an audible voice, but the sudden confirmation of an inner thought in your mind and heart.

As we affirm that God has the answers we seek, and wait for an internal signal, we prepare ourselves to receive the answers we seek.

This is so true, a few years back my husband and I were unemployed, and were going through a difficult time. We always did the grocery shopping for one month, or at least for two weeks, but this time we skipped the shopping day and the money was used for something else. That day I cooked the usual, rice, beans, grilled meat, fresh salad and some fried arepitas of cassava. As I was arranging the table I was concerned and began to pray because the pantry was not as full as usual.

After praying I heard in my mind - you pray every day, "Give us this day our daily bread." It was when I first realized that when we pray, we ask God for the bread of EACH DAY, not for a month or for a week. God does not want food pantries full and crowded, but  instead he wants us to learn to live by faith and believe that He will give us what is necessary. As children of God, we will not miss out anything. I then felt bad because instead of being grateful for being able to prepared food for that day and having enough to cook for a few more days, I wanted more and in advance. I'm glad that I was able to listen to God that day, because I learned a valuable lesson.

What do you think about this lesson? Have you ever listen to God's voice?

4 comentarios:

  1. Dear mari,
    A good reflection - help us today; this moment. How often it is the regrets for yesterday or the worries for tomorrow that stop us from noticing God's presence now. Blessings for the week ahead.

  2. Sometimes it's easier for me to hear God's answers to the"big problems' in life than the small ones. I think I'm often under the illusion that I can handle the little ones. Ha ha!

  3. Yes, beautiful! You know God has miraculously caused food in our fridge to stay fresh for a strange amount of time! I'm grateful.

    Indeed God provides!

    Dios te de mucha paz en esta semana, amiga. :)

    Mrs. A

  4. Mari~ Something to always to keep in mind. My husband and I own a dry cleaners. Its a small business & I know each customer as my family. I use to thank God for the end of the week or at the end of the month for being able to pay the bills (with this economy we have seen a significant change). Like you, when praying, one day I heard God speak "be thankful for EACH person that walks through your door, it is "I" whom is sending them." I was humbled by this...And realized that each blessing we are sent is worthy of recognition and praise. Thank you for this post...Hugs & Blessings :)
    1 Chronicles 16:34
    Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.


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