Palabras Verdaderas en Oración, TRUE WORDS IN PRAYER

Así que recomiendo, ante todo, que se hagan plegarias, oraciones, súplicas y acciones de gracias por todos, especialmente por los gobernantes y por todas las autoridades, para que tengamos paz y tranquilidad, y llevemos una vida piadosa y digna. - 1 Timoteo 2:1-2

En el libro de Timoteo, el apostol Pablo nos aconseja a ser honestos, verdaderos y de mucha fe. Cuando testificamos la verdad, debemos hacerlo de manera positiva, poderosa y alentadora. Cuando incluimos a los que amamos en nuestras oraciones o al mundo, las palabras verdaderas salen a bendecir, sanar y armonizar.
La verdad sobre nosotros es que somos seres espirituales, guiados y gobernados por la presencia y el poder de Dios . Como hijos de Dios, heredamos Su reino, el reino del bien, que es abundantemente rico en bendiciones.

¿Has hecho costumbre el orar por los gobernantes y por las demás personas? ¿Has sentido alguna vez un llamado para orar por alguien que no conoces?

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people, for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.- 1 Timothy 2:1-2

In the book of Timothy, the apostle Paul advises us to be honest, true and of great faith. When we testify the truth, we should do it in a positive, powerful and encouraging way. When we include our loved ones or the world in our prayers, the truthful words come to bless, heal and harmonize. The truth about us is that we are spiritual beings, guided and governed by the presence and power of God. As children of God, we  inherit his kingdom, the kingdom of good, which is abundantly rich in blessings.

Have you made it custom to pray for the government, our leaders and others? Have you ever felt a calling to pray for someone whom you do not know?

Have a blessed weekend,

6 comentarios:

  1. Amirita- Thank you for stopping by. I love what is being done in your country. You are welcome!

    God bless :)

  2. I do try to remember those I don't know and those who have no-one to pray for them.
    blessed Lent m+x

  3. Speaking and praying the truth in love is not always an easy thing to do. Especially when it comes to government leaders and politicians. I have a long ways to go in that area :-(

  4. Old Geezer - The same here, believe me, but all we have on our hands is to pray so that God's will is done and not theirs.

    Have a great weekend :)

  5. Un lindo blog ,la oración limpia el alma y el corazón,es el eje del ser humano,orar es estar con Dios,abrazos y cariños.

  6. Bienvenida Rosita :)

    Un saludo,


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