¿Recibimos con Amor o Crucificamos? Do We Receive with Love or Crucify?

Jesus said to his disciples: “We are going up to Jerusalem,” he said, “and the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death and will hand him over to the Gentiles, who will mock him and spit on him, flog him and kill him. Three days later he will rise.” - Mark 10:33-34

Jesus knew well all the prophecies of the Old Testament describing his own death. Here I quote some of them with Biblical text of the Old and New Testaments.

• Betray him for thirty pieces of silver. - (AT) Zechariah 11:12 (NT) Matthew 26:14-16
• We spit and beat him. (AT) Isaiah 50:6 (NT) Matthew 26:67, 24:26-30
• The Pin to a tree. (AT) Psalm 22:16 (NT) Mark 15:24-25
• The fun of him in his agony (AT) Psalm 34:20 (NT) John 16:33

Jesus fulfilled these and many others prophecies which prove that he was really sent by God. It was necessary that Jesus died, in order to demonstrate how just is God, and to save humanity. Jesus showed us that although he  lived on earth in human form, he was able to overcome sin and temptation, teaching us that we CAN be loyal to God even in the worst circumstances.

In this era, are we embracing the words and teachings of our Lord, with love, in faith and permitting them to influence our lives as words coming from our king, or are we continuously recreating the crucifixion of our Lord by acting as the priests and Gentiles denying Christ and disobeying his commands?

Jesús les dijo a sus doce apóstoles: “El hijo del hombre será entregado a los principales sacerdotes y a los escribas, y le condenaran a muerte y le entregaran a los gentiles; y le escarnecerán, le azotaran y escupirán en él, y le mataran, mas al tercer día resucitará.” – Marcos 10:33-34.

Jesús conocía bien las numerosas profecías del Antiguo Testamento que describían su propia muerte. A continuación cito algunas de ellas con texto Bíblicos del Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento.

Lo traicionarían por treinta monedas de plata. – (A.T.) Zacarías 11:12 (N.T.) Mateo 26:14-16
Le escupirían y lo golpearían. (A.T.) Isaías 50:6 (N.T.) Mateo 26:67, 24:26-30
Lo clavarían en un madero. (A.T.) Salmo 22:16 (N.T.) Marcos 15:24-25
Se burlarían de él en su agonía (A.T.) Salmo 34:20 (N.T.) Juan 16:33

Jesús cumplió estas y muchas otras profesáis las cual demuestran que realmente era el enviado de Dios. Era necesario que Jesús muriera para demostrar que Dios es justo, y para salvar la humanidad. Jesús nos demostró que aun siendo él hombre como nosotros (a nuestra semejanza), él pudo vencer el pecado y la tentación, enseñándonos de que si podemos ser leales a Dios e incluso en las peores circunstancias.

En estos tiempos, al recibir las palabras y enseñanzas de nuestro Señor Jesús, ¿Las recibimos con amor, con fe y permitimos que influyan en nuestras vidas como palabras de nuestro rey; o continuamente recreamos la crucifixión de nuestro Señor actuando igual que los sacerdotes y los gentiles al pecar, negar a Cristo y desobedecer sus mandamientos?

De tal manera- Jesús Adrian Romero

4 comentarios:

  1. I believe that the Church didn't use the crucifix as an image until the Dark Ages (they used the sign of the cross from quite early on) and I suppose you can understand why the crucified Christ would be relevant for people at that time. Why would any faith choose the image of its God's execution? But we do - to prove that we do not forget the sacrifice God - the Triune God - chose to make for us because God loves us that much; to remind us that as accepting Jesus as our Lord and our God means that we have to be prepared to do the same - out of love - not duty or obedience - love.
    The trial and crucifixion do show us how easy it is, as church people, to use faith to deny God's desires. Hypocrisy is something Jesus does not seem to abide. We seem to need such an emotive act to remember this.
    Always a good question Mari - are you acting for yourself or for God?
    Blessing m+x

  2. Amrita - Always :)

    Mairie - I agree with what you say, and indeed a good question to ask ourselves always is: are we acting for ourself or for God?

  3. Self or God? Good question!

    The unholy trinity... "me, myself and I" are always trying to dethrone God. It's a constant battle :-)


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