Pretty Paper and Fancy Ribbons, PAPEL BONITO y LISTONES de LUJO

Pero de ti, Belén Efrata, pequeña entre los clanes de Judá,saldrá el que gobernará a Israel;sus orígenes se remontan hasta la antigüedad,hasta tiempos inmemoriales. - Miqueas 5:2

Actualmente los cálculos apuntan a que Jesús vino al mundo a principios de otoño en el año 2 antes de nuestra era. Nació en Belén de Judea, en el seno de una familia humilde. Debido a un censo ordenado por Cesar Agusto, José y María tuvieron que viajar allí para registrarse, pues los antepasados de José eran de ese lugar. Como a María le faltaba poco para dar a luz y en todo Belén no había alojamiento, se quedaron en un establo. Y allí fue donde nació Jesús (Lucas 2:1-7).

Debemos preguntarnos, si Jesús nació al principio del otoño, porque celebramos su nacimiento en Diciembre? Yo he investigado un poco y reconozco que casi todo lo de "Navidad" son costumbres hechas por el hombre y muchas con descendencia pagana. Antes de estresarnos y gastar todo lo que tenemos y hasta lo que no tenemos, busquemos la historia de las tradiciones de Navidad y revisemos cual es verdadero motivo de celebrar! El regalo más grande de nuestra vida entera no vino envuelto en un papel bonito, con listones de lujo y puesto debajo un arbolito decorado con un sinnúmero de decoraciones vanas y luces artificiales, vino de lo más sencillo, lleno de una luz resplandeciente, lleno de misericordia y rebosado de AMOR. Jesús es nuestro mayor regalo y razón suficiente de celebrar.

But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days.- Micah 5:2

There are evidences that demonstrate Jesus was born in the beginning of autumn in the year 2 BC. He was born into a humble family in Bethlehem Judea. Joseph and Mary were obliged to travel to Judea, home of Joseph's ancestors,  to register for the census ordered by Caesar Augustus. As Mary was soon to give birth and there was no room available, they stopped to rest in a stable. There in the stable, Jesus was born and was placed in a manger. (see Luke 2:1-7).

Shouldn't we investigate why the birth of Jesus is celebrated in December, when He was born in the beginning of autumn? I did some research and found out almost everything we tend to do as custom at Christmas's is not mentioned in the Bible and many customs have pagan descent. Before we stressed ourselves and spend all that we have and even what we don’t have, research about Christmas traditions and their origin. Meditate on what is the real reason to celebrate. The greatest gift of our entire life did not come wrapped in pretty paper with fancy ribbons, and placed underneath a tree decorated with a large number of vain decorations and artificial lights, He came in the most simplest form filled with his own bright, merciful, heavenly and everlasting LIGHT! Jesus is the gift to be proud of and reason to celebrate!

Enjoy your week and may the presence of our Lord be in your hearts and minds,

5 comentarios:

  1. Ever since I could remember my mother made sure that we had a nativity scene on top of the piano, on angel hair, with animals and the three kings and shepherds. It was only until late in my teens that I heard Jesus wasn't really born on Christmas. It was not that long ago, in my mid twenty's, that I heard that a pagan practice got "Christianized" for this holiday. My husband has associated not using a Christmas tree with negative childhood memories of belonging to a cult. Ultimately I feel my mother did so well in engraving celebrating Jesus on my heart that I don't care what we decide to do for this holiday; It will always be a celebration of Jesus and I hope at least I can instill this into my children. As for the gifts, I believe every family could appreciate new clothes for the winter and children could use a couple new good toys. :) I don't worship the tree but I do like decorating for Christmas.

    Love the snowflakes, and have a blessed day.

    Mrs. A

  2. I have seen signs around that read, "Jesus is the reason for the season". It's a good reminder for all of us. Christmas is as special as we make it. ;-) I, too, love the new banner.

  3. Hola Paz and Mrs.A - I do agree with and love the fact that: "Jesus is the reason for the season". Like Mrs.A I also grew up with a strong tradition of having Jesus in our hearts. The nativity scene was the most important decoration year after year. Santa was just a cheerful characters. Kids today need a lot more of Jesus in their lives.

    Thanks for stopping by :)
    Hugs from D.R.

  4. Magnificent! (As usual. :-P )

  5. excellent et magnifique
    bonne soirée


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