Fundamento Espiritual (Fe) - Spiritual Foundation (Faith)

Este versículo nos enseña que todo aquel que esta firme en la palabra de Dios y los caminos por donde anda son de el agrado de Dios, no tiene que temer a nada cuando vengan los problemas, la envidia, celos, la discordia etc. La obediencia trae seguridad y sabiduría verdadera. El  que planta su fe firme en la roca no tiene que temer a nada porque tiene una protección FULL con Dios.
Al contrario, el que no guarda la palabra y anda por caminos no agradables a Dios, cualquier problema que enfrente lo desequilibra mental y emocionalmente y puede fracasar fácilmente. La desobediencia te trae inseguridad y fracaso espiritual. ¿Cómo? La desobediencia a la palabra de Dios nos puede llevar a tener enfermedades, adicción, depresión y desunión familiar y a cometer fornicación y adulterio.

Espero que reflexiones y decida donde construirá tu fundamento espiritual, en la ROCA o en la ARENA.

Mateo 7: 24 -29
"Por tanto, todo el que me oye estas palabras y las pone en práctica es como un hombre prudente que construyó su casa sobre la roca. Cayeron las lluvias, crecieron los ríos, y soplaron los vientos y azotaron aquella casa; con todo, la casa no se derrumbó porque estaba cimentada sobre la roca. Pero todo el que me oye estas palabras y no las pone en práctica es como un hombre insensato que construyó su casa sobre la arena. Cayeron las lluvias, crecieron los ríos, y soplaron los vientos y azotaron aquella casa, y ésta se derrumbó, y grande fue su ruina. 

Cuando Jesús terminó de decir estas cosas, las multitudes se asombraron de su enseñanza, porque les enseñaba como quien tenía autoridad, y no como los maestros de la ley."

This verse teaches us that anyone who lives in obedience to the word of God and that chooses to live according to God’s will and grace, does not have to fear anything when confronted with problems, envy, jealousy, discord etc. Obedience brings security and true wisdom. If you plant your faith on solid ground, you will not fear because you know you have a FULL protection with God. On the other hand, those that do not put in practice God’s words and do not live according to God’s will and grace, any problem that they encounter will unbalance them mentally, emotionally and they can easily fail. Disobedience brings you to insecurity and spiritual failure. How? Disobedience to God’s words can bring you to suffer from any illness, addiction, depression and lack of family unity it also could bring you to commit fornication and adultery.

I hope you take a moment to reflect and decide where to build your spiritual foundation on SOLID GROUND or on SANDY SOIL?

Matthew 7:24-29
"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.

When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law."

3 comentarios:

  1. Wonderful post... I choose to build my life on a Solid Rock. May our Lord continue to lift you up and shine through you and your blog. God bless, Lloyd

  2. dear mari..i just read your comment over at mr. old geezer's
    and came here right away.
    i will be praying for you.
    it is such a hard thing to go through when you are not being treated well at work.
    three years ago my sister,betty and i went through the same thing.
    we had given our best to an elderly lady who we looked after through "we care" a home nursing company. we looked after her for three years.
    we were forever buying her goodies, taking and making photos for her and cooking her up special dishes that we had used our own groceries for. for three years we treated her like a queen and then one day the other workers turned her against betty and me and it was a terrible thing as we were accused of stealing from her and treating her roughly.
    the company did not want to stand behind us because she was paying a lot of money for the service.
    believe me, they treated betty so bad that she ended up having a heart attack..i could take it better than betty, but my feelings were hurt too.
    when we were finally told not to come back, my heart was broken but in the long run, everything fell into the time i was let go, right away it was needful that i help mom and dad golden. i would have never of been able to help them!
    just keep looking up dear new friend and don't forget that jesus is ever by your side and he feels all of the hurt that you do!
    we will be terry

  3. Greetings Mari -

    You are precious and a pearl of great price.
    Our Lord has You in His secure embrace. Yes, pain does visit us but truly it does all work for our profit as we walk uprightly with our Lord.

    Psalm 34:4
    I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.


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