Presencia Protectora, Protective Presence

Photo by Frantisek Staud

Presencia Protectora 

Yo le digo al Señor: Tú eres mi refugio, mi fortaleza, el Dios en quien confío. Sólo él puede librarte de las trampas del cazador y de mortíferas plagas, - Salmos 91:2-3
Debemos sentir seguridad al saber que el Señor es nuestro refugio a través del día. Sabiendo esto, no debemos tener temor frente a ningún reto y debemos demostrar entusiasmo en cualquier situación por que ponemos nuestra completa confianza en Dios . El saber que en lugares conocidos o desconocidos,  Dios, estará con nosotros es una seguridad consolador. Como dice en la Biblia - Depositen en él toda ansiedad, porque él cuida de ustedes. - 1Pedro 5:7. Debemos tener completa confianza en Dios.

Protective Presence

I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress my God, in whom I trust.”Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.- Psalm 91:2-3

We feel secure in knowing that God is our refuge throughout the day. Knowing this, we should not be afraid to face any challenge. We must show enthusiasm in all situations because we place our complete trust in God. It is of comforting security to know that in areas known or unknown, God is with us. As it says in the Bible- Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.- 1 Peter 5:7. Lets have complete trust in our Lord.

Have a wonderful and blessed week,

Accíon de Gracias, Thanksgiving

 Entrad por sus puertas con acción de gracias, por sus atrios con alabanza. ¡Alabadlo, bendecid su nombre!,  - Salmo 100:4

¡Gracias a Dios! En este día debemos contar nuestra bendiciones y dar gracias por ellas. Algunas podremos nombrar y hasta describirlas. Otras, quizás falten palabras para hacerlo. En su presiencia expresaremos el gran gozo que hay en nuestro corazones y en nuestras almas.

"Señor te doy gracias por el tiempo a solas contigo y por los momentos en compañia de familiares. Doy gracias por las relaciones que enriquecen mi vida. Gracias, Dios por la salud y energia que ya he recibido y por la que recibiré continuamente. Estoy agradecida porque a través de tu provisión de salud y bienestar, mis seres queridos y yo somos renovados y prosperados constantemente". ¡Gracias a Dios, AMEN!

Sus bendiciones son tesoros del corazón y el alma. Debemos recibirlas con agradecimiento, reconociendo que El es la fuente de todo bien.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.  - Psalm 100:4

Thank God! On this day we count our blessings and give thanks for them. Some blessings we can name and describe. Others, we might be missing words to do so. In his presence we will express the great joy there is in our hearts and our souls.

"Lord I thank you for the moments alone with you and the moments I am accompany with family. I am thankful for the relationships that enrich my life. Thank you God for the health and energy that I have received and which will constantly receive. I give thanks that through your provision of health and wellness, my loved ones and I constantly renew purselves and prosper. " Thank you God, AMEN!

His blessings are treasures of the heart and soul. We receive should receive it with gratitude, recognizing that it is the source of all good.

Un Adios a Freddy Beras Goico, A Good-bye to Freddy

I apologize for taking a moment, out of my weekly postings, but I personally needed to update you on yesterday's prayer request  and had a need to to express my sorrow.

After four years of fighting cancer, the Dominican humorist Freddy Beras Goico, died at dawn on November 18, 2010,  in a New York hospital. He was blessed to have the opportunity to say good bye to his family before he died. His remains will be brought from NY to Dominican Republic on Friday. He will be watched on Saturday after 9 AM in the "Palacio de Bellas Artes Santo Domingo" and buried on Sunday. Peace to his remains.

Although I personally did not know Freddy, my family and I as well as for many Dominicans, feel that he is part of our families. Freddy was an excellent humorist, TV presenter, writer, actor, among other great roles. He was a well known media personality for more than 50 years and one of the most important mediators in this country's internal conflicts. An important voice of the common people.

Why I feel so close to Freddy? Well I have seen his shows since I was seven, and like many other Dominicans he was let in our homes through his weekly or daily TV shows. Also during these ten years of me residing in this country one of the very few tv programs I watched was his, "Con Freddy y Punto". Especially on Wednesday nights, which were dedicated to our Savior Jesus Christ.We lost not only a public figure, but one of the few good hearted, public defenders, and a persona of great values and morals. My husband and I admired him because he showed his Christianity not by saying he was a Christian, but through his actions, behavior and the love he showed to his wife Pily, his children and grandchildren. He was blessed with many talents, values and a great loving family. May the Lord continue to bless this family enormously.

And the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it. -Ecclesiastes  12:7

Tras cuatro anos de lucha contra el cáncer, muere en la madrugada del 18 de noviembre 2010, el humorista dominicano Don Freddy Beras Goico en un hospital de nueva york. Fue bendecido con la oportunidad de  despedirse de su esposa y de cada uno de sus hijos en su lecho. Su sus restos serán traídos desde Nueva York a República Dominicana el viernes. Él sera velado el sábado después de las 9 AM en el Palacio de Bellas Artes en Santo Domingo y enterrado el domingo. Paz a sus restos.

Volverá entonces el polvo a la tierra, como antes fue, y el espíritu volverá a Dios, que es quien lo dio.  -Eclesiastés 12:7

A farewell to Freddy may he rest in peace,

Creer con Fe, Believe with Faith y Oracion por Freddy Beras-Goico

Creer con Fe

Y todo lo que pidáis en oración, creyendo, lo recibiréis. - Mateo 21:22

Seguir creyendo sin importar que nos pase, sabiendo que Dios estará con nosotros para guiaros. Todo lo que prometió será tuyo para recibir si confías en Él totalmente y siempre le crees.

Creer en sus palabras siempre.

Believe with Faith

If you believe you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. - Matthew 21:22

Keep on believing no matter what happens to you, knowing that God will be with you to guide you. All that he promised will be yours to receive if you trust Him completely and always believe.

Los invito a orar por la salud del Sr. Freddy Beras Goico, ya que su estado de salud es delicado. Freddy es unos de los pocos hombres Dominicanos que admiro por su profesionalidad, por el excelente trabajo que hace cada día para traernos humor sano a nuestros hogares. Es uno de los pocos padres de familia ejemplares. Dios lo bendiga a el y a su familia.

Please unite in prayer for the health of Mr. Freddy Beras Goico, who is in a delicate status. Freddy is one of the few Dominican men I admire for his professionalism, his excellent work in bringing humor into our homes. He is a great role model of what a great husband and father should be like. God bless him and his family.

Believe in the Lord's words always,

La herencia de alegría de Dios, The inheritance of God's joy

La herencia de alegría de Dios

Ellos, se fueron a sus moradas alegres y gozosas de corazón, por todos los beneficios que Jehová había hecho... a su pueblo. —1 Reyes 8:66

Vivo gozosamente al aceptar la herencia de alegría de Dios. Sin importar la condición económica en que haya nacido o me encuentre ahora, mi herencia incluye gozo, porque viene de Dios. Doy gracias porque mi legado incluye libertad y bienestar. Reclamo este bien y lo expreso en mi vida.

Como se que las bendiciones de Dios están a mi disposición ahora mismo, sigo la guía divina y descubro nuevos esfuerzos e intereses satisfacientes. Prospero porque soy el recibidor del gozo de Dios.

The inheritance of God's joy

They blessed the king and then went home, joyful and glad in heart for all the good things the LORD had done for his servant David and his people Israel. - 1 Kings 8:66

Live joyfully to accept the inheritance of God's joy. Regardless of the economic condition which we have gone through or are in now, our heritage includes joy, because it comes from God. I give thanks that my legacy which includes freedom and welfare and I claim this good and put it in practice in my life.

Because the blessings of God are available to us right now, we should follow the divine guidance and discover new efforts and fulfilling interests. We should be more than happy because we are the recipient of God's joy.

Have a blessed week,