De parte de Dios para Recoger Bendiciones
El que no está de mi parte, está contra mí; y el que conmigo no recoge, esparce. - Mateo 12:30
Este versículo aclara cualquier duda que haya, de que lo que no es de Dios, está en contra de él. ¿Qué será de nosotros sin nuestro Señor, su perdón y su gracia y su amor? Deberíamos preguntarnos siempre si lo que estamos haciendo o lo que vamos hacer es del agrado de Dios. Si no esta con el, entonces esta contra el.
Como dice mi tío are you RED or WHITE? ¿Si eres blanco o rojo? Definitivamente necesitamos tomar decisión de que lado estaremos y no perdernos de las bendiciones.
Gathering Blessings by the Side of Our God
He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters. - Matthew 12:30
This verse clears up any doubt of ours of what is not of God, is against him. What will it be of us without our Lord, his forgiveness, his grace and his love? We should always ask if what we are doing is under the blessing of God or not. If it is not for his glory, it is then against him. Like my uncle says are you RED or WHITE? We definitely need to take sides and not miss out on blessings.
Happy Sunday,
Amen! I choose to be on the Lord's side :-)
ResponderEliminarGod bless you Mari and have a great week