Do you have God in mind? ¿TIENES A DIOS PRESENTE?

Godless people have slipped in among you. They turn the grace of our God into unrestrained immorality and deny our only master and Lord, Jesus Christ. Judgment was passed against them a long time ago. - Jude 1:4

There are those who leave out everything that has to do with God in their lives, for various reasons, sometimes because they may believe that Christianity is only for sinners, the needy or for people that lack education, etc. They make up any excuse to feel superior, as if they were gods capable of tackling their own problems. These are the people that when faced with trials, difficult times or sufferings, find themselves alone and unable to resolve their problems; asking then “where is God?”

What I can say to you is that God is in the place where you put Him in your life. If you don’t even mention God in your daily life, much less pray or read the Bible, where do you expect God to place you?

It won't be the same for a person who in all his or her actions and tasks seeks to please God before the world, then a person who is delighted in a lifestyle full of sin and who’s actions do not please nor go by what God’s commands. It is true that God is merciful and loves everyone equally, but understands this: God loves the sinner but He detests the sin.

In what place do you have God in your life?

El problema es que se han infiltrado entre ustedes ciertos individuos que desde hace mucho tiempo han estado señalados para condenación. Son impíos que cambian en libertinaje la gracia de nuestro Dios y niegan a Jesucristo, nuestro único Soberano y Señor. - Judas 1:4

Hay quienes quitan todo lo que tiene que ver con Dios de sus vidas, por varias razones, entra ellas porque piensa que la cristiandad tiene que ver con los pecadores, los necesitados, los que no tienen educación, etc. Buscan cualquier pretexto para sentirse superiores, Dioses capaces de enfrentar los problemas por si solos. Luego pasan por tiempos difíciles, tiempos de pruebas, de sufrimientos y se ven solo e incapaces de resolver sus problemas y se preguntan ¿Donde está Dios?

Amigo, te digo que Dios está en el lugar donde tú lo coloques. Si tú ni siquiera lo mencionas, mucho menos ora o lees la Biblia. ¿En qué lugar esperas tú que Dios tenga tu vida?

No sera lo mismo para una persona que en todas sus obras trata de agradar a Dios antes que al mundo, a una persona que sus obras en nada agradan a Dios y se deleita en el pecado. Bien es cierto de que Dios es misericordioso y nos ama a todos por igual, pero entendamos esto: Dios quiere al pecador pero aborrece el pecado.

¿En qué lugar tienes tú a Dios?

God bless,

1 comentario:

  1. I drive to and from work (about 40 minutes each way) in silence - well with no radio or music. I look for God along the way, at traffic lights near the park, at the trees in the morning and evening sun, in mums. dads and nans walking their little ones to school, in the birds flying over on the way to the lake at the park.
    Whilst I autopilot (hopefully) myself home I am on the lookout for God.


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