Que Sea La Voluntad de Dios en Este Nuevo Año, God's Will in this New Year

 La Voluntad de Dios 

No hemos dejado de orar por ustedes. Pedimos que Dios les haga conocer plenamente su voluntad con toda sabiduría y comprensión espiritual, para que vivan de manera digna del Señor, agradándole en todo. - Colosenses 1:9-10

Espero que no lo haya asustado el pajarito de la cabecera, quiero ponerlo mas pequeño pero no se como hacerlo. Gracias a Dios que me encantan los blue birds.

En este nuevo año debemos orar para que podamos vivir la voluntad de Dios en todo lo que hagamos. Aun viviendo en su voluntad no significa que cada día de la vida sea siempre fácil. Habrán momentos en que necesitaremos fuerza adicional para llegar a alguna meta, pero Dios es nuestra fuente de fortaleza.

Les agradezco de todo corazón, a todos los que me sieguen y leen mis entradas. Este blog es un blog para Dios, para comunicar su palabra y un sitio donde podemos compartir nuestra fe. Si eres nuevo visitando, eres bienvenido en aportar tu opinión o conocimiento de Fe, y a todos los seguidores ya fijos también. Si creen que este blog le agradaría a un familiar o amigo por favor de recomendarlo para que sigamos creciendo.

Mi mayor deseo para ustedes en este nuevo año es que viva la voluntad de Dios en sus vidas. Orar para que no se haga mi voluntad ni la tuya; si no la voluntad de Dios, la cual es que tengas vida, gozo, comprensión, amor y paz.

Les deseo un maravilloso y bendecido año en victoria con Dios,

God's Will

-We have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God. - Colossians 1: 9-10

I hope the BIG blue bird in the header does not scare you, I want to get it smaller but I don't know how to. Please be patient until I figure it out. Thank God I love the blue birds!

In this new year we should pray to live in the will of God in all that we do.  Remembering that even though we live in his will, it does not mean that every day will be always easy. There may be times when we need extra strength to reach a goal, and our God will be our source of strength.

I thank wholeheartedly all those who follow and read my entries. This blog is a blog for the God, to communicate his word and a place where we can share our faith. If you are a new visitor, you are welcome to provide your opinion or knowledge of faith, the same welcome goes to my older followers. If you think this blog would be of beneficial reading for a  family member or friend please suggest it to them, so that we may continue growing.

My biggest wish for you is to live the will of God in your lives. I pray not for that my will nor yours to be done, but God's will, which is to have life, joy, understanding, love and peace.

Have a wonderful and blessed year in victory with our God,

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4 comentarios:

  1. Love the big blue bird, Mari - what a picture to open up to especially in the grey days we get in my country.
    Every blessing for you and your family and your continuing sharing in the new year.
    mairie +x

  2. I am glad you liked it. Thanks for stopping by. May the Lord bless you in many ways this new year.

    Have a Great New Year weekend. I am sending you some sunshine from Dom. Rep.

  3. Happy New Year From Southern California.

    Don't forget to watch the 122nd Rose Parade on New Year's Day coming from Pasadena, California...only 30 miles from The Old Geezer's home :-)

    No matter what looms ahead, if you can eat today, enjoy today, mix good cheer with friends today enjoy it and bless God for it. ~Henry Ward Beecher

    May God Bless and Protect You in the Year to Come. ~Ron

  4. Mari, thank you for becoming a follower of Daily Grace and for your kind words. I love the big blue bird. It looks great just the way it is. Your blog is a witness to the grace and mercy of our God. I am in agreement with you that this blog and others like it should be spread around the world to reach others for Christ. God bless you richly, Dr. Bobbi


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