Vídeo Musical del Mes, Video of the Month - Glory In The Highest

Glory In The Highest by Chris Tomlin

Gloria a Dios en las alturas,y en la tierra paz a los que gozan de su buena voluntad. - Lucas 2:14

Glory to God in highest heaven, and on earth peace to those who have his good will. - Luke 2:14

Are you doing what is necesary to be in God's good will? Estas haciendo lo debido para ser de los que gozan de la buena voluntad de Dios?

Have a happy and blessed December,

3 comentarios:

  1. Gracias Mary! me encanta este himno! es uno de mis preferidos.
    Yo cuando oro todos los días le pido a Dios que me guie hacia sú propósito para mi vida.

  2. I am trying Mari and sometimes am very trying.
    A blessed Advent.

  3. Word in Hand - We are all sometime really trying :) For those times that make it difficult that's when we pray for wisdom to learn how to react in different situations and be under the the good will rather the loosing the blessings.

    Thanks for stopping by.


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