"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them". - Ephesians 5:11-15

On October 31st you can make the difference, do not live as unwise but as wise. Why dress up or decorate with something that you know it is not of God? Do not follow, be different, be a light in the darkness. Those who believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior, should not participate in any Halloween activity, although many things seem harmless, cute and inoffensive, each and everyone one has its meaning, history and purpose. May OUR purpose be that of celebrating and serving a LIVE king and not the prince of death.
Also read:


"No participéis en las obras infructuosas de las tinieblas, sino más bien denúncienlas" - Efesios 5:11

El 31 de octubre tú puedes hacer la diferencia, NO vivas como necio sino como sabio. ¿Porque querer disfrazarse o decorar con algo que tu mismo sabes que no es de Dios? No sigas la corriente, debes ser luz en las tinieblas. Los que creemos en Jesús Cristo como nuestro salvador, no debemos participar en las fiestas de Halloween, aunque muchas de las cosas parezcan inofensivas, cada una tiene su significado y propósito. OJO, que nuestro propósito de celebrar sea el un rey VIVO y no a un rey de Muerte.

Have a wonderful and blessed weekend,

Are you exhausted? ¿Estas exhausto?

“Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Put on my yoke, and learn from me. I’m gentle and humble. And you will find rest for yourselves. My yoke is easy to bear, and my burden is light.” - Matthew 11:28

With schedules so demanding that drain our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual life , we need to constantly refresh ourselves to maintain both physical and spiritual strength. The Holy Spirit gives us strength to continue with God's schedule for us. God plans for us to include times of rest and relaxation in our schedules. In Mark 6:30-31 we can see that even the disciples needed rest, we are not any different and we should be glad we have Jesus to support us.

Time spent with the Lord brings renewal and refreshment. Have you taken time lately to rest, and leave your burdens to the Lord?

"Vengan a mí todos ustedes que están cansados y agobiados, y yo les daré descanso. Carguen con mi yugo y aprendan de mí, pues yo soy apacible y humilde de corazón, y encontrarán descanso para su alma. Porque mi yugo es suave y mi carga es liviana." - Mateo 11:28-30

Con horarios tan exigentes que agotan nuestra vida física, mental, emocional y espiritual, tenemos que constantemente tomar tiempo para descansar y mantener fortaleza. El Espíritu Santo nos da esa fuerza extra que necesitamos y así continuar con el plan de Dios para nosotros. Dios ha planeado todo para que nosotros incluyamos tiempo de descanso y relajación en nuestros horarios. En Marcos 6:30-31 podemos ver que hasta los discípulos necesitaron descanso y Jesús lo llamo a descansar, así como ellos, igualmente a nosotros.

Tiempo con el señor es de renovación y recarga. ¿Has tomado tiempo últimamente para descansar y dejar tus cargas al Señor?

God bless,

Scripture of the Day, Versículo del Dia

The path of the righteous is like the morning sun,shining ever brighter till the full light of day. - Proverbs 4:18


Pero la senda de los justos es como la aurora, su luz va en aumento, hasta la plenitud del día. - Proverbios 4:18

Have a blessed rest of week,

Do you have God in mind? ¿TIENES A DIOS PRESENTE?

Godless people have slipped in among you. They turn the grace of our God into unrestrained immorality and deny our only master and Lord, Jesus Christ. Judgment was passed against them a long time ago. - Jude 1:4

There are those who leave out everything that has to do with God in their lives, for various reasons, sometimes because they may believe that Christianity is only for sinners, the needy or for people that lack education, etc. They make up any excuse to feel superior, as if they were gods capable of tackling their own problems. These are the people that when faced with trials, difficult times or sufferings, find themselves alone and unable to resolve their problems; asking then “where is God?”

What I can say to you is that God is in the place where you put Him in your life. If you don’t even mention God in your daily life, much less pray or read the Bible, where do you expect God to place you?

It won't be the same for a person who in all his or her actions and tasks seeks to please God before the world, then a person who is delighted in a lifestyle full of sin and who’s actions do not please nor go by what God’s commands. It is true that God is merciful and loves everyone equally, but understands this: God loves the sinner but He detests the sin.

In what place do you have God in your life?

El problema es que se han infiltrado entre ustedes ciertos individuos que desde hace mucho tiempo han estado señalados para condenación. Son impíos que cambian en libertinaje la gracia de nuestro Dios y niegan a Jesucristo, nuestro único Soberano y Señor. - Judas 1:4

Hay quienes quitan todo lo que tiene que ver con Dios de sus vidas, por varias razones, entra ellas porque piensa que la cristiandad tiene que ver con los pecadores, los necesitados, los que no tienen educación, etc. Buscan cualquier pretexto para sentirse superiores, Dioses capaces de enfrentar los problemas por si solos. Luego pasan por tiempos difíciles, tiempos de pruebas, de sufrimientos y se ven solo e incapaces de resolver sus problemas y se preguntan ¿Donde está Dios?

Amigo, te digo que Dios está en el lugar donde tú lo coloques. Si tú ni siquiera lo mencionas, mucho menos ora o lees la Biblia. ¿En qué lugar esperas tú que Dios tenga tu vida?

No sera lo mismo para una persona que en todas sus obras trata de agradar a Dios antes que al mundo, a una persona que sus obras en nada agradan a Dios y se deleita en el pecado. Bien es cierto de que Dios es misericordioso y nos ama a todos por igual, pero entendamos esto: Dios quiere al pecador pero aborrece el pecado.

¿En qué lugar tienes tú a Dios?

God bless,

Ministers to do what's Good, MINISTROS PARA HACER LO CORRECTO

For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. - Romans 13:3-4
In these days, are our rulers (authority in general) really working for God? Are they ministers of God? Are they really avengers to execute wrath on those who practice evil? Nowadays it seems as our nations are moving further away from God, rather than getting closer to Him. In actuality many laws are being passed, that are indifferent to God's scriptures, and in addition to making me wonder, I also feel indignant. Deficiencies and inequalities in the area of ​​education and the health continue. Meanwhile, the same people within the same political and criminal circles, continue to become richer.

All this without mentioning the lost of faith and God's love in many homes.  As I mentioned in the previous post, Our Decisions, when we misuse our free will, we can cause much grief to others and to ourselves. This is why we must make our decisions wisely and influenced by divine wisdom. No matter if we are a nation president, governor, congressman, police, teacher, pastor, father or mother, we are authority and we must act as ministers of God complying always under the laws of God (see Deuteronomy 5:1-22, and 1 Corinthians 6:8-11), and at all times carrying the sword of justice.

Porque los gobernantes no están para infundir terror a los que hacen lo bueno sino a los que hacen lo malo. ¿Quieres librarte del miedo a la autoridad? Haz lo bueno, y tendrás su aprobación, pues está al servicio de Dios para tu bien. Pero si haces lo malo, entonces debes tener miedo. No en vano lleva la espada, pues está al servicio de Dios para impartir justicia y castigar al malhechor. - Romanos 13:3-4

¿En la actualidad, realmente trabajan nuestros gobernantes (la autoridad en general) para Dios? ¿Acaso son ellos ministros de Dios? ¿En realidad están al servicio de Dios para impartir justicia y castigar al malhechor? Hoy en día nuestras naciones parecen estar alejándose de Dios que acercándose más a Él. Hay muchas leyes que últimamente se están aprobando, indiferentes a las escrituras, y que además de uno asombrarse, hace que uno se sienta indignado. Sigue la pobreza, las deficiencias y desigualdad en el área de educación y en el departamento de salud. Mientras, las mismas personas en el ámbito político y criminal se hacen cada vez más ricos.

Todo esto sin mencionar la pérdida de la fe, y falta del amor de Dios en los hogares de muchos.  Como dije en la entrada anterior, Nuestras Decisiones, cuando usamos mal nuestro libre albedrío, podemos ocasionar mucha aflicción a nuestros semejantes y a nosotros mismos. Por eso nuestras decisiones deben de ser sabias e influenciadas por sabiduría divina. Ya seamos presidente de una nación, gobernador, diputado, policía, maestro, pastor, padre o madre, somos la autoridad y debemos actuar como ministros
bajo la ley (véase Deuteronomio 5: 1-22 y 1 Corintios 6:8-11 ) de Dios  y en todo tiempo llevar la espada, para impartir justicia.

God bless,

Song of the Month October 2011, Do Everything by Steven Curtis Chapman

 I just heard this song, loved and wanted to share it with you. Thank you for stopping by and always reading me.
Acabo de escuchar esta canción, me gusto y quise compartirla con ustedes. Gracias por visitar y seguirme.


Lyrics of:  Do Everything by Steven Curtis Chapman

Your picking up toys on the living room floor for the 15th time today
Matching up socks
Sweeping up lost cheerios that got away

You put a baby on your hip
Color on your lips and head out the door

While I may not know you,
I bet I know you
Wonder sometimes, does it matter at all?

Well let me remind you, it all matters just as long
As you do everything you do to the glory of the One who made you,
Cause he made you,
To do
Every little thing that you do
To bring a smile to His face
Tell the story of grace
With every move that you make
And every little thing you do

Maybe your that guy with the suit and tie
Maybe your shirt says your name

You may be hooking up mergers
Cooking up burgers
But at the end of the day

Little stuff
Big stuff
In between stuff
God sees it all the same

While I may not know you
I bet I know you
Wonder sometimes, does it matter at all?
Well let me remind you, it all matters just as long
As you do everything you do to the glory of the One who made you,
Cause he made you
To do
Every little thing that you do
To bring a smile to His face
Tell the story of grace
With every move that you make
And every thing you do

Maybe your sitting in math class
Or maybe on a mission in the Congo
Or maybe your working at the office
Singing along with the radio

Maybe your dining at a 5-star
Or feeding orphans in the...
Anywhere and everywhere that you are

Whatever you do
It all matters
So do what you do
Don't ever forget

To do everything you do to the glory of the One who made you,
Cause He made you
To do
Every little thing that you do
To bring a smile to His face
And tell the story of grace

As you do everything you do to the glory of the One who made you,
Cause he made you
To do
Every little thing that you do
To bring a smile to His face
And tell the story of grace
With every move that you make
And every little thing you do

In every little thing you do
In every little thing you do
